First Choice offers state of the art videoconferencing

2 Reasons Lawyers Should Embrace Videoconference Depositions

2 Reasons Lawyers Should Embrace Videoconference Depositions – time and money

Avoid Time out of the Office & Travel Expenses

You buy a plane ticket, reserve a hotel and a car, and slog to conduct a deposition in a distant or remote part of the country.  A 4-hour depo becomes a two-day affair. You carry boxes of documents on the plane.  You may have to check boxes that you must wait for with the other “bags” to come out.  At the end of the trip, you’re beat. Your clients have to pay thousands of extra dollars in unnecessary travel expenses.  There is a better option. Video conference depositions.

Debunking Video Deposition Myths

The three most common myths about video depositions:

  1. “I need to observe all of the witness’s nonverbal reactions and cues.”
  2. “I need to control the documents so the opposing counsel and the witness cannot study them ahead of time.”
  3. “What if the technology breaks down?”

Clearly, the deposing attorney needs to be able to observe the witness’s demeanor and nonverbal reactions.

The right technology can help.  Use a facility that offers High Definition over IP equipment for visual and audio clarity. Should the connection break or fail in any way, your specialist will quickly bridge the call, and you’ll be back in business! Don’t fall short with cheap fixes and websites.  The quality and support are lacking. Go with professional video conference facilities.

If the clarity you get on screen isn’t enough to reassure you, hire a law clerk or legal assistant from a nearby law firm to observe the proceedings in-person. This person would be able to alert you if they see anything noteworthy such as slight fidgeting or cues from other people.  It is also cheaper than your sitting there.

Controlling the Documents with a Video Deposition

Fortunately, there is a simple solution: go paperless. If you use paperless exhibit technology, such as AgileLaw’s software, then you reveal only the documents you want to reveal during the deposition. The court reporter, witness, and opposing counsel receive only the documents you provide to them. This happens during the deposition on their laptop or tablet in real time. The software also handles marking exhibits. If you employ paperless exhibit software, then you save on the cost of printing and shipping. AND you prevent the witness from getting additional prep time with your documents.

If paperless doesn’t work for you, provide the court reporter with the exhibits in advance of the deposition.  Pre-mark your exhibits and request the court reporter provide the exhibits as you go along.

First Choice is your Videoconference Deposition Facility

If you are looking for a videoconference facility to host your next deposition, First Choice Executive Suites should be your venue.  We’ve hosted hundreds of video depositions and pride ourselves on giving each of our clients’ top notch service.  Contact us today to discuss your video deposition needs.